Stuffed Artichoke

Stuffed Artichoke

March through May is the season for artichoke and for me, Stuffed artichoke with butter dip.

Artichokes are such interesting things. We consider the artichoke a vegetable, even though it’s a thistle and more specifically, the part that we eat (and that most people ever see in the store) is actually a flower bud — and sometimes called a head.

In Sweden we usually eat artichoke bud boiled in salted water. Then we dip the leaves in salted butter and eat it by pulling the flesh from the leaves with our teeth. In Greece usually when we cook artichokes we only use the hart of the artichoke. We’ll find the heart deep inside at the core. Everything else is thrown away. Greece is famous for their stuffed vegetable like tomatoes, pepper, zucchini etc. I’m combining the Greek and the Swedish way to cook my artichokes. Stuffed artichoke and butter with salt on the side to dip the leaves and end we’ll have the hart. Nothing is thrown away.

Stuffed Artichoke
  • I like to do the stuffing with wholegrain rice but you can use white rice if you want to.
  • Perfect for vegetarians and vegan ( just skip the butter dip) .

Once you have tried this recipe, you will love it

ingredients for Stuffed Artichoke

How to prep the artichokes.

Cut off the top of the artichoke.


Use your finger to gently pull open the center leaves of the artichokes. Pull out the inner tender yellow/pink artichoke leaves. Use a small metal spoon to scrape and scoop out all of the inner fuzzy choke.


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Stuffed Artichoke

Stuffed Artichoke

Stuffed artichoke with rice.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Greek, Swedish
Servings 4
Calories 395 kcal


  • 1 Big pot
  • 1 electrical blender


  • 4 Artichokes buds medium sized
  • 1 Onion
  • 250 ml Tomatoes passed
  • 20 Spearmint leaves
  • 200 g Rice wholegrain parboiled
  • 100 ml Olive oil extra virgin
  • 2 Bouillon cube chicken or vegetable cube
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Pepper


  • Cut off the top of the artichoke.
  • Use your finger to gently pull open the center leaves of the artichokes. Pull out the inner tender yellow/pink artichoke leaves. Use a small metal spoon to scrape and scoop out all of the inner fuzzy choke. Rinse
  • Add the onion, spearmint leaves and passed tomatoes in an electrical mini chopper.
    mixture for Stuffed Artichoke
  • Rinse the rice and add the onion mixture, salt, pepper and 1/2 of the olive oil.
    mixture for Stuffed Artichoke
  • Fill the artichokes with the rice mixture and put them in a casserole.
  • Add water and cover 2/3 of the artichokes .then add the bouillon cubes, some passed tomato and remaining olive oil.
  • Put a lid on the casserole. Let it boil for 15 minutes and turn down the heat to medium.
  • Let it simmer for about 30 minutes.
  • When the rice is soft and ready, serve the artichoke with the salted butter dip (butter with salt mixed together) on the side.


Βon appétit

Βon appétit

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