My sister Lia makes this Spicy Super Creamy Chicken Enchiladas. It’s so easy to make and the whole family loves it. The creamy filling is just mouthwatering and you can make it as spicy as you want. My children are fighting over the last piece no matter how many I do. And if I have some leftover the next day, it’s still so good.
I use Crème fraiche for this creamy filling, if you haven’t tried to make your own crème fraiche, I really recommend you to make some and use it for this filling. You can find the recipe for crème fraiche here. Instead of crème fraiche you can use cooking cream. And it will definitely be just as good.
Next thing I use in the filling is Sambal Oelec, a chili paste typical used in Malaysian and Indonesian cooking. If you want to spice something up, use Sambal Oelec. Sambal Oelec is basically crushed Chilipeppers made into a paste. It’s really hot so think about how spicy you want it be. Sambal Oelec can be found in most grocery stores in the Asian food section.

I personally wrap my enchiladas like burritos. Maybe wrong to do so and call them enchiladas, but I like these small packages. My sister wraps them up the right way, just like enchiladas are suppose to look like. But you can just wrap your enchilada as you want. The filling will still be just as creamy and good.
Sprinkle some mozzarella cheese on top and bake until cheese is fully melted and bubbly.

Enjoy your Spicy super creamy chicken enchiladas with some guacamole topped with peanuts, sour cream and a cold beer. Cheers!
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