Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

Here’s my all-time favorite salad recipe: Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs. It’s super easy to make and tastes amazing! This salad has fresh spinach, creamy Gorgonzola cheese, sweet figs, crunchy candied walnuts, and a touch of prosciutto. The mix of sweet and savory flavors makes it perfect for any meal or even as a tasty appetizer.

Gorgonzola v. Blue cheese

Gorgonzola has a milder and less pungent flavor compared to blue cheese, with a subtle sweetness. It pairs well with fruits, nuts, and salads, adding a creamy richness to dishes. If you can’t find Gorgonzola, blue cheese is a great alternative for this salad.

Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

How to make Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

Candied Walnut

  • In a pan, melt the sugar over low heat. Be careful not to burn the sugar; as soon as it melts and turns an amber golden color, it’s ready.
  •  Once it’s melted, add the walnuts and stir until they’re coated with sugar.
  •  Then, spread them out on some baking paper.
  •  Use two forks to separate them before they harden and let them cool in the refrigerator.

 Fig Dressing

  • Slice the figs
  • Then add dried figs, honey, balsamic vinegar in a blender and blend until it’s smooth.
  • Slowly add the olive oil into the fig mixture, blending in between, until it’s smooth.
Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

Assemble the Salad

  • Slice the dried figs into thin slices. Dice the pear and Gorgonzola cheese into small cubes.
  • In a big bowl, mix together the baby spinach, sliced figs, candied walnuts, diced pear and Gorgonzola. Add the dressing and toss everything together.
  • Finally, add some thinly sliced prosciutto on top of the salad for that extra savory touch.


I like to wait until just before my guests arrive to toss it together with the dressing. That way, the spinach stays nice and crunchy. So, just before serving, drizzle the fig dressing over the salad and give it a gentle toss.

Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

Next time you’re looking for a delicious and versatile dish, give this spinach salad with Gorgonzola and figs a try. It’s a fresh and flavorful addition to any meal, whether you’re enjoying it as a light lunch, appetizer, or alongside your favorite grilled dishes or pizza.

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Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

Savor the perfect balance of sweet and savory with this spinach salad. It's got figs, gorgonzola, candied walnuts, and prosciutto for a delightful mix of flavors and textures!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Salad
Cuisine Mediterranean
Servings 4
Calories 521 kcal


  • 1 Pan
  • 1 Electrical chopper_blender


Candied walnuts

  • 10 Walnuts
  • 50 g Granulated sugar (¼cup)


  • 200 g Baby spinach (7 oz)
  • 2 Figs dried , Sliced (Optional: fresh figs )
  • 1 Pear diced, medium size
  • 100 g Gorgonzola cheese (3.5 oz) (Optional: Blue cheese)
  • 4 slices Prosciutto

For the Fig Dressing:

  • 2 Dried figs
  • 2 tsp Honey
  • 50 ml Balsamic vinegar (¼ cup)
  • 150 ml Olive oil (⅔ cup) (or sunflower oil)


Candied Walnut

  • Start by melting sugar in a pan over low heat.
    melting sugar
  • Once it’s melted, add the walnuts and stir until they’re coated.
    caramelized walnuts
  • Then, spread them out on s baking paper. Use two forks to separate them before they harden and let them cool in the refrigerator.
    caramelized walnuts on bakingpaper

Fig Dressing

  • Slice the figs
  • Then add dried figs, honey, balsamic vinegar in a blender and blend until it’s smooth.
    making fig dressing
  • Slowly add the olive oil into the fig mixture, blending in between, until it's smooth.
    making fig dressing

Assemble the salad

  • Slice the dried figs into thin slices. Dice the pear and Gorgonzola cheese into small cubes.
  • In a big bowl, mix together the baby spinach, sliced figs, candied walnuts, diced pear and Gorgonzola. Add the dressing and toss everything together, finally add some Prosciutto on top.
    Spinach Salad with Gorgonzola & Figs

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