Wash the lemons clean and dry.
Use a grater, zest off just the very exterior yellow peel of each lemon (you don’t want to grate any white pith). Reserve the zest for another use.
Cut the peel into big chunks
In a sauce pan bring water to boil and add the prepared peel. Let it boil for 4-5 minutes and then discharge the water and drain well. Repeat this process 3 times. Most of the bitterness should be gone by now.
Remove most of the fibrous tissue from inside each peel.
Next, combine sugar, water and bring to a boil.
Once the sugar has dissolved, reduce the heat and add the lemon peels. Let the mixture simmer with the lid slightly ajar until the lemon peels become tender and the syrup thickens. About 40-50 minutes. Skim off the surface if needed.
To test for doneness, lift some of the syrup up by a metal spoon. When it runs off the spoon and holds a stream, it is done.
Towards the end of the simmer, add the lemon juice.
Pour the spoon sweet into sterilized glass jars, making sure the syrup covers the lemon peel.
Store upside down until completely cooled.
The syrup will solidify further as it cools.